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Midnights Rythm

Purifying Crystal Set - Clear Quartz Bowl with Herkimer Diamond

Purifying Crystal Set - Clear Quartz Bowl with Herkimer Diamond

Regular price HK$2,180.00
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Herkimer Diamond & Clear Quartz

Flower Shape Bowl

Clear Quartz 

Flower Shape Bowl x 1pc
Herkimer Diamond x 4pcs

Regularly cleans and recharge your stone is the only way to restore your crystal to its natural state.

Clear Quartz Meaning: Visionary Light

Clear Quartz is a prismatic crystal that encompasses the full colour spectrum of light. As one of the most abundant stones in the world, it nurtures your overall well-being by accommodating to the specific needs of the beholder. Its energy aligns with any frequency to support healing and balance. Enhancing meditation, it brings clarity to the mind by filtering out distractions and increasing concentration.

The power of manifestation is magnified by programming this crystal with a focused intention. With the stone in hand, visualize your aspirations with heartfelt gratitude. Its clear vibration will amplify your intention out into the Universe and strengthen the will to succeed in all endeavours.

Expanding consciousness, Clear Quartz provides understanding to life’s bigger picture. Heightening awareness, it facilitates communication with the Divine to inspire the path of spiritual growth. With the ability to magnify the energies of other stones, it makes it an ideal crystal for grids. Because it is constantly conducting energy, it requires frequent cleansing.


Herkimer Diamond Meaning: Seed of Enlightenment

Herkimer Diamond is the manifestation of pure light. Emanating positive energy, it cleanses the body and conducts the highest vibration of life force. Revitalizing any space, it creates a protective shield against radioactive rays and other harmful electromagnetic frequencies.

This luminous stone is commonly used amongst energetic healers. Dissipating the illusion of separation, it harmoniously attunes you to the energies of other people. As a powerful amplifier, its prismatic crystalline structure magnifies the properties of other stones.

Herkimer Diamonds are a variation of Clear Quartz and share the ability to focus energy and retain information. When programmed with loving thoughts and intentions, it stores memories that can later be retrieved when healing is needed.

Heightening psychic vision, Herkimer Diamonds enhance the experience of shamanic journeying and inner body awareness. Facilitating telepathic communication, it opens receptivity to the guidance of the spiritual realms. Awakening an enlightened state of being, it nurtures the connection deep within as the light of your consciousness grows stronger.  


This combination is considered the king of crystal cleansers. Deeply recharge your favourite crystals. They are unique and powerful crystal that works to magnify the natural energy of the stones it works with and purify them. Cleansing with this set is simple yet highly effective. It can also work with any type of crystal, making it a versatile option for those with porous or metallic-based stones.

How to use:

Place your crystals near or on top of selenite for at least 24 hours. This will give the selenite enough time to absorb energy from the crystals around it and cleanse itself.



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One Crystal One Story

The Myth of Crystal

Does crystals works?

The healing, energizing and protective benefits of crystals are questionable.

There’s limited science behind their power. No legitimate studies have been conducted to back up the claims that crystals emit vibrations that affect our minds and bodies, but some stones can conduct energy. In 1880, French physicist Pierre Curie (Marie Curie’s husband) discovered that putting pressure on various crystals – including quartz, topaz and tourmaline – created electricity. This phenomenon, called the piezoelectric effect, is why crystals are used as essential elements in computers, TV screens, iPhones and satellites.

For me, it depends on how It takes a conscious effort to open your heart and mind to feel the energy of the crystal. Every single piece has its own unique characteristics. They are all ancient beings in the universe. Believing our intuition would be our superpower in the universe. Turing into our inner wisdom is the start of our journey. We might find light and hope in each mother earth treasure as a porta, and reconnect within.

How do you use crystals for the first time?

When you first get your crystals, it’s recommended that you cleanse them of any previous energies they may have picked up.

How do you use crystals in everyday life?

Each type of crystal has a unique energy and purpose. You may wear them depending on your intuition or need.

Their healing properties help with energy blockages and bringing your true inner voice out into the world.

I love to wear Herkimer Diamond as my everyday, go-to crystal. This wise crystal supports us in guiding us in the right direction, finding our home within our own bodies, and raising spiritual awareness around us. It's suitable for the people like me who need to initiate and inspire.

How to cleanse crystals?

1. The light of the Full Moon

The power of the Full Moon is incredibly potent. It can have an impact on our moods, well-being, and trajectory for the upcoming weeks.

Placing your crystals outside on a Full Moon is sure to remove any lingering negativity from them. Be sure to place them on the ground or on your lawn (wherever possible), as this will ensure that the negative energy will be returned back to Earth to be recycled anew. It is also recommended to remove them no later than an hour after sunrise to ensure their cleansed energy isn’t depleted by the sun’s rays.

2. Saltwater Bath

Saltwater cleansing is an effective and thorough way to rid your crystals of any energy. Salt is a natural energy-repellent and is often used in protection and purifying rituals.

If you can’t gather a jar of water from the ocean, you can make salt water at home. For this method, place your crystals gently into a container of lukewarm water. Add about a teaspoon of sea salt to the water and let them soak for a minimum of 8 hours.

3. Smudging

Smudging crystals is an effective and non-invasive way to cleanse them of lingering energy. This ancient ritual is used for purifying objects and the space around you. Using a smudge stick of your choice (Palo Santo, Sage, or Rosemary), douse the crystals in smoke.

Just light the tip of the smudge stick and hold your crystals above the smoke plumes so they can receive full exposure. This may be an excellent method to use if your space also needs purifying as smudging will also work to cleanse the environment around you. This is also a great choice for porous crystals, as the smoke is delicate and will not interfere with the structural composition of the stones.

4. Selenite

Selenite is considered the king of crystal cleansers. It is a unique and powerful crystal that works to magnify the natural energy of the stones it works with and purify them. Cleansing with selenite is simple yet highly effective. It can also work with any type of crystal, making it a versatile option for those with porous or metallic-based stones.

Place your crystals near or on top of selenite for at least 24 hours. This will give the selenite enough time to absorb energy from the crystals around it and cleanse itself.

How often do we need to cleanse up the crystal?

it’s recommended that on a day of the new or full moon, leave them outside and set an intention for each crystal. Once you’ve set the intention, let it go and move on with your day.